Daniel Marshall

DM is not just a cigar industry veteran he is a thought leader for charity.

White House Humidor Auction by Daniel Marshall



A historic auction and an iconic partnership

The auction of Daniel Marshall’s White House Humidor has not only broken records, but also captured the hearts of UHNWIs, collectors and cigar lovers worldwide. In collaboration with Carlos Fuente, one of the most famous cigar manufacturers in the world, a unique masterpiece has been created. This partnership brings more than just perfect craftsmanship – it combines luxury, history and a strong philanthropic spirit. With the exclusive Daniel Marshall XXXVIII Anniversary cigars by Carlos Fuente, which were included in the White House Humidor, a unique piece of history has been placed in the hands of passionate collectors.

The most important first

The article describes the genesis of a great idea from the perspective of craftsmanship, history and charity. Daniel Marshall, with his big heart for those in need, shows how it’s done. How it is possible: to take the world of charity auctions, i.e. collecting money for a good cause, to a new level through his own passion, his own creativity and with close allies. Giving something back to people who are less privileged and not as lucky as others in life. The White House Humidor by Daniel Marshall is far more than just a luxury collector’s item – it embodies American history, craftsmanship and philanthropy at the highest level. In a record-breaking auction where the humidor sold for $250,000 USD, the package included exclusive Daniel Marshall XXXVIII Anniversary cigars by Carlos Fuente that carry the essence of power and leadership. These cigars, known for their 12-year aged vintage tobaccos and historic presidential banding, have priceless value to collectors and cigar aficionados worldwide. With only 10 examples of the humidor based on the original White House plans, it is a rare and sought-after item that is considered a safe and growing investment. Also included were 6 pictures of 6 US presidents. Which were drawn with oil paints. The proceeds were donated to charity, making the White House humidor a symbol of the connection between luxury and charity.

Video of the auction -Auction & Making of the “White House Humidor” created by Daniel Marshall & Carlos Fuente

The White House humidor: a masterpiece of craftsmanship

The White House Humidor is a true work of art. Designed from the original blueprints of the White House, it reflects the rich history of this iconic building. With over 200 individually carved pieces, all crafted with the utmost precision and attention to detail, the humidor is not only an object of luxury, but also an iconic piece of history. The design, inspired by artist Juan Rosillo, combines classic architecture and modern craftsmanship to create a collector’s item that fits seamlessly into the most prestigious collections worldwide.

A historical review that re-emphasizes the importance of the White House Humidor as an ingenious collector’s item and investment piece

The White House has been a symbol of power, leadership and history in the United States for over 200 years. As the official residence of the President and the site of significant political events, the White House is a place that breathes history. Many presidents – from George Washington to Ronald Reagan – have shaped the future of America from this building. Preserving this historic legacy is not only a national obligation, but also a passion for many Americans, including the White House Historical Society, which was founded by Jackie Kennedy to preserve White House furniture, artwork and furnishings.

The White House humidor by Daniel Marshall combines this rich history with exceptional craftsmanship. Designed from the original White House blueprints and intricately detailed, this humidor is a masterpiece that reflects the architecture and symbolism of this historic building. With over 200 individually carved pieces, the humidor is not only a luxurious collector’s item, but also a tribute to the history of the presidency and the legacy of the White House.

By replicating the White House in the form of a humidor, it is clear how deep the connection between luxury objects, collectibles and American history can be. The White House Humidor goes beyond the function of an ordinary humidor – it symbolizes a piece of American history, preserved in an object that combines craftsmanship and historical value. The choice of this design shows that the White House Humidor is not only an exclusive piece for collectors, but also a reminder of the cultural and political heritage of the United States that has been passed down through generations

White House Historical Society

I have heard from well-informed sources that there was a conversation on September 13, 2024 between the President of the White House Historical Society and Daniel Marshall due to the great success of the auction of the White House Humidor with an American historical background. The White House is enthusiastic about the entire package that was auctioned off. The White House could imagine acquiring 2 of these coveted collector’s items – “White House Humidor”. One White House humidor could find its permanent home in Blair House, where Churchill lived for months and which is located opposite the White House lawn, where all the high dignitaries live. The second humidor is to be auctioned to raise funds for the restoration of the White House at a major White House cigar event to which Daniel Marshall himself will be invited. This underlines the historical and cultural value of this creation. The humidor is therefore not only an object of luxury, but could also become a symbol of the preservation and promotion of American history.

An investment with sustainable and stable returns

In addition to its cultural significance, the White House humidor is also a stable and high-yielding investment. The value of such exclusive, limited-edition collector’s items is constantly growing, as the demand for unique works of art that are both historically and artistically valuable continues to increase. In particular, the close connection to the White House and the planned auction of one of the humidors from the Wise House to use the proceeds for the restoration of the building illustrates how deeply this piece is embedded in America’s history. Such events help to further increase the value of the humidor.

Investors who invest in luxury properties with historical value benefit from long-term increases in value. The White House humidor combines the permanence of history with the sustainability of a growing investment. Its rarity – only 10 examples are produced – ensures that its value on the collectors‘ market is constantly increasing. The White House Historical Society’s interest in acquiring two of these humidors reinforces the importance of this piece as cultural heritage, which is of great interest not only to collectors but also to investors.

White House Humidor Auktion-Package. 

The entire White House Humidor auction package at a glance

In addition to the historic White House humidor, the auction includes packages – the Daniel Marshall XXXVIII Anniversary, with a cigar band of the faces of the 6 American presidents who have shaped America. The Daniel Marshall XXXVIII Anniversary cigar currently costs 450 Swiss francs each in Switzerland, excluding the special creation of the presidential band. Also included are 6 historical painted pictures of the presidents. Here I would like to give a brief historical review of the presidents mentioned:

George Washington (1789-1797)
Contribution: Washington was the first president of the United States and laid the foundation for the US government. He continued important precedents such as limiting the presidency to two terms.
What he stood for: Unity and leadership during the nation’s formative years to ensure the survival of the young democracy.

Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)
Contribution: Lincoln led the US through the Civil War, preserved the Union and abolished slavery by introducing the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment.
What he stood for: freedom and equality. He held the US together and paved the way for a more inclusive democracy

Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)
Contribution: Roosevelt is recognized for his work in conservation (creation of national parks) and his efforts to break up monopolies (trust-busting).
What he stood for: strength and reform, with a focus on a strong US presence in international affairs and domestic reforms to improve living standards.

John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)
Contribution: Kennedy successfully handled the Cuban Missile Crisis and launched the Apollo program, with the goal of putting the first man on the moon.
What he stood for: Progress and hope, especially in the areas of space travel and civil rights, and strengthened the US during the Cold War.

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
Contribution: Reagan is praised for his role in ending the Cold War and implementing his economic reforms, known as Reaganomics.
What he stood for: Economic reform and strength and anti-communism, establishing the US as a dominant force on the world stage.

George H. W. Bush (1989-1993)
Contribution: Bush is best known for his foreign policy during the Gulf War and the end of the Cold War. He played a key role in the collapse of the Soviet Union.
What he stood for: International leadership and diplomacy, maintaining US strength and global alliances.

These presidents all had significant influences on the history of the United States and shaped the nation politically, economically and culturally.

It should therefore never be forgotten that with every indulgent puff of the cigars supplied in the White House humidor, there is a hint of unity and leadership, freedom and equality, strength and reform, progress and hope, economic reform and strength, as well as international leadership and diplomacy, which gives these fine cigars a meaning and character all of their own.


White House Hunmidor Cigars

Die Daniel Marshall XXXVIII Jahrestag Zigarren von Carlos Fuente

A highlight of the White House Humidor are the exclusive Daniel Marshall XXXVIII Anniversary cigars, which were created by Carlos Fuente to celebrate Daniel Marshall’s 38th anniversary in the cigar world. This fine cigar was first presented to renowned personalities at the Kitzbühler Country Club in January 2020. These cigars are made from 12-year matured vintage tobacco from the Chateau De La Fuente region, which further emphasizes their exclusivity. These details make the cigars a coveted collector’s item and significantly increase the overall value of the set.


Daniel Marshall and Carlos Fuente, entrepreneurs and friends, introduced the DM 38 Anniversary Cigar by Carlos Fuente at the Daniel Marshall Cigar Lounge in Kitzbuhel, Austria in 2020 Photo Credit: Gisela Schrober – Getty Images. 

Record-breaking auction: a testament to heritage and philanthropy

The sale of the White House Humidor at auction for USD 250,000 not only represents a milestone for luxury objects, but also a symbol of charity. The proceeds were donated to the After School All Stars charity, showing that luxury and philanthropy can go hand in hand. This auction joins a series of high-profile cigar auctions that highlight the value and legacy of Daniel Marshall’s creations.

The long-lasting partnership between Daniel Marshall and Carlos Fuente

The partnership between Daniel Marshall and Carlos Fuente goes back over 40 years and is based on shared values such as craftsmanship and excellence. Their collaboration has led to many outstanding projects, including the exclusive cigars created by Fuente to celebrate Marshall’s 38th anniversary. This partnership strengthens the reputation of both in the cigar world and makes their joint projects timeless collector’s items.

Carlos Fuente und Daniel Marshall in jüngeren Jahren. Ihre Freundschaft sind wie Ihre Zigarren und Humidore, traditionell, Lebenslang und von einer Qualität der Sonderklasse. Photo: Daniel Marshall.

Limited edition humidors and cigars: a rare collector's treasure

The release of the White House humidor is strictly limited. Only 10 humidors were produced for private collectors, which greatly increases their exclusivity and value. Combined with the limited edition Daniel Marshall XXXVIII Anniversary cigars, these pieces will become coveted collector’s items for UHNWIs and cigar aficionados worldwide. It is particularly noteworthy that one of these humidors is expected to become a permanent fixture in the Blair House of the White House, further emphasizing the prestige of this masterpiece.

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Inside the Humidor and handmade created „White House Humidor“. 

A philanthropic legacy: more than just luxury

These auctions go beyond pure luxury – they are a testament to Daniel Marshall’s commitment to charitable causes. The White House Humidor Auction shows how philanthropic values and luxury objects can be linked, and how these auctions are not only exclusive collector’s items, but also symbols of generosity.

The White House Humidor and the Daniel Marshall XXXVIII Anniversary cigars by Carlos Fuente are more than just luxury objects. They embody art, history and philanthropy. These creations are not only testaments to a great heritage, but also investments in art and charity. Collectors, UHNWIs and cigar enthusiasts are not only acquiring extraordinary objects with these pieces, but also a piece of American history. If you have any further questions about the article or about Daniel Marshall humidors, please feel free to contact mic at any time using the contact form.

Webseite: Daniel Marshall

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Photo Headline & Photos and Video: Getty Images, Michael Barone, Daniel Marshall  Text: Copyright by Kevin Underwood. Article created in September 2024. 

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