Introducing the newest Private Member Clubs 2022 in the International Associate Clubs network. The Private Member Club – Kjarval – Reykjavik, Iceland, is part of the fantastic global network of International Associate Clubs. A network that consists of about 250 Private Clubs spread all over the world.
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The Private Club Kjarval takes its name from Johannes S. Kjarval, one of the greatest and most influential Icelandic painters of the 20th century. The club has been newly renovated and is located in the heart of downtown Reykjavik, Iceland.

The Private Member Club is located on the top floor of a historic building and is unique in Reykjavik. It is unique in Reykjavik, if only because it is across the street from the Althing, the oldest parliament in the world. The fantastic view of Iceland’s main square, Austurvöllur, ensures that the private club’s lounge is popular with a younger crowd.
A new modern concept, offers during the day the possibility for entrepreneurs, freelancers and startup – employees to work there. The inspiring and at the same time very private atmosphere, is therefore gladly used by young companies and startups. Séparées and meeting rooms, complete an inviting working environment.
In the late afternoon and evenings, Kjarval is the perfect place for those seeking privacy and a unique atmosphere in Iceland to enjoy a glass of wine. The club has a terrace, which could not be more centrally located in the city center.
A perfect place to watch the Icelandic summer sun set with a drink in hand.

Web: International Associate Clubs, ein Netzwerk von weltweit über 250 Privaten Clubs.
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Photos: Kjarval